dang riquel beat me...but I think her years are wrong
The Simpsons is the longest-running animated television series in American television history, with 17 seasons and 379 episodes by the end of its current season since its debut on December 17, 1989. She was off by 2 years....and next year a movie (big screen) is planned.
Well I think The Prince does a lot of reading before he answers the questions. But Kat is right there is no research after you look at the question. It is the honor system. Look and answer. Then after you answer research all you want. Or just wait for tomorrow.
I have 2 children a 12 year old girl and an 11 year old boy. Wow that is an old picture. I have two cats. Two girls. I would love to have more but can not right now. In the future I will.
My newest website is dannieb123.wordpress.com Please feel free to check it out. I just started back up again after my tragedies.
I believe that would be the Simpsons.....I think it has been on for 15 years?
dang riquel beat me...but I think her years are wrong
The Simpsons is the longest-running animated television series in American television history, with 17 seasons and 379 episodes by the end of its current season since its debut on December 17, 1989. She was off by 2 years....and next year a movie (big screen) is planned.
Now Prince of Thrift do you just know all this or are you doing some research?
I shall never reveal my secret :D
I will say I do read a lot
Hey, no research allowed! Right Danielle!?
Well I think The Prince does a lot of reading before he answers the questions. But Kat is right there is no research after you look at the question. It is the honor system. Look and answer. Then after you answer research all you want. Or just wait for tomorrow.
I never peak until after I have posted....you notice I got yesterday's answer wrong...LOL
I was surprised, I thought yesterday's question was so obvious that it would be easily answered.
Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.
Keep up the good work. thnx!
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