Riquel, your so funny! Wow, 72 muscles!! I was way off!! Ok, bodyparts...Ear, arm, leg, eye, bum?, toe, jaw, lip...so that's 8. That's all I can think of. My guess is 8!
I have 2 children a 12 year old girl and an 11 year old boy. Wow that is an old picture. I have two cats. Two girls. I would love to have more but can not right now. In the future I will.
My newest website is dannieb123.wordpress.com Please feel free to check it out. I just started back up again after my tragedies.
4-ear, eye, arm, leg.
5 if I can use ass...he he.
Thats all I can think of!
Riquel, your so funny! Wow, 72 muscles!! I was way off!! Ok, bodyparts...Ear, arm, leg, eye, bum?, toe, jaw, lip...so that's 8. That's all I can think of. My guess is 8!
I am going to say 4 too.
darn, I forgot toe, jaw and lip..oh well!
My guess is 10! Am I right, am I right?
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